
Windows HyperV cluster Storage


Create a storage. 

1- install iSCSI target service 

    a-  Click file and storage services –> iSCSI it shall prompt you to install it. If not install iSCSI virtual disk can not be created

2- file and storage services –> iSCSI –> Select Create –> go through the Wizard and select a system(most of the time the host that we already use) as target 

    a- systems should be in a domain (AD) before hand. and in iSCSI disk creation process when it comes to the “Select a method to identify the initiator” use browse to add cluster nodes  to it.

    b- those are the nodes which are allowed to connect to iSCSI virtual disk.

    c- authentification if required.

    d- systems will look as if they are not connected.

3- Find (in services) “Microsoft iSCSI initiator Service” and set it to automatic. if not started start. Do it for all nodes.

    a- powershell commands :

        I – enter-pssession cluster1

            A- First establish an iSCSI target portal-

                a)  New-IscsiTargetPortal -TargetPortalAddress lab-dc1

            B- then  list iSCSI targets.

                b) Get-IscsiTarget

                    1) this show address and that it is not connected so we will connect

                c) Get-Iscssitarget | Connect-IscsiTarget

                    1) now when we do “Get-IscsiTarget” we should see connected.

                    2) We can also use “Get-IscsiConnection”

                    3) also “Get-IscsiSession” shows details of the connection. Like addresses, authentications, persistence…..etc

                    4) If we do “Get-IscsiConnection|Get-Disk” then we see the 3 disks we have created see their status online-offline etc.

                â€‹    5) we want our iSCSI sesssion is persistent. And it looks false so we want to change it to persistent. (it should always be persistent)

                        a- Get-iscsiTarget | Connect-IscsiTarget -IsPersistent $True

        II- enter-pssession cluster1

            A- Connect to IscsitargetPortal

                a) New-IscsiTargetPortal -TargetPortalAddress lab-dc1

                b) Get-iscsiTarget | Connect-IscsiTarget -IsPersistent $True

                c)  Get-IscsiConnection|Get-Disk     –> see the disk are same

        Getting the disks online

        III- enter-pssession -ComputerName cluster1

            A- get-disk -Number 1 |fl

            B- Initialize-Disk -Number 1 -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume

            C- Initialize-Disk -Number 2 -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume

            D- Initialize-Disk -Number 3 -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume

                a) Get-Partition  —> to see partitions

                b) Install-WindowsFeature Multipath-IO –> not done

            E- Exit-Pssession

            F- Enter-Pssession cluster2

            G- Get-partition

                a) will list one actual partition (the others are for system recovery ..etc)

            H- Get-Disk 

                a) will show disks and will show them offline (we are int he second note)

4- go to GUI and add “Failover Cluster” role on the AD node (because we will use AD machine to manage it)


    â€‹a) Get-WindowsFeature failover-clustering   —> if not install 

TIME 18:44

(        -PassThru (if I am not mistaken) is used to add commands not that much related one after another .  In the example left side of it causes no output and with passthru it makes (hey lets take the disk we had been working on and pass it to ) the right side next command in the pipe. )

  II- Start-Service msiscsi

* Failover cluster management is the tool we will use to validate configuration

* launch wizard.

* Click validate configuration and add the names of the servers that you want to use then it verifies the servers exists and can communicate with them

* And then run tests.. Run all test will list thest and perform them. And give information about the process. Click on the errors and warnings and click view report so you can see the details 

* After that create the cluster will create the cluster.

* the IP address it show in a specific network is the administrative access point . Basically the ip address of the cluster itsself.

* you can unclick “add all eligible storage to the cluster” so you can manage the disks

* While the process goes you can see the cluster being formed in AD

* Later on the failover cluster manager on storage menu –> disks (left click) –> add disk and you can add disks.

* After disks selection should set the roles example is a standard general ile server . 

    * to do that on failover cluster manager rightclick on the top line where the name of the cluster is shown. and select “Configure Role”

    * this will start “High Availability wizard”

    * then give it a name TestlabsFS and an IP adres which will be used for the actual file server.

    ​*TIME 24 :62

select disks (decide 1 or more )

    * finish the process  it will create online cluster


so first we configured Iscsi than failover cluster


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